About LGBT Mummies
We are the Founders of LGBT Mummies, and also a married couple of sixteen years, with four children by IUI and IVF. We live in England raising our four miracle children, whilst dedicating our time to running the organisation.
Who we are
Our Mission
Education is key. We have met with and presented to the Government, work and train the NHS & organisations alike, to create positive change to support our families better through healthcare, service and general society using our own perusal experiences and expertise through years of training, consultancy and research work. Our goal is for LGBTQ+ people and their families be represented and understood, creating a more safe and inclusive society for us all.
We have created a global community that is a safe haven community for like-minded women and people who are looking to start a family, extend their family or meet other families like theirs. In a safe and positive space they can ask for guidance, make friends, share their journeys, lived experiences, but also talk about the barriers, stigma, and discrimination that they may face on their journeys. We support and celebrate your milestones; your first adoption meeting, your egg retrieval, first scan, final fostering approval meeting, or your birth story- we are hear to listen, provide guidances and support you through the very best and worst of times, to make it as positive an experience as we can
We advocate for all those whose voices are seldom heard. Those who feel a lack of support, lack of validation and who feel unsafe in the very systems built to support, protect and care for us. We use our influence to amplify their voices & experiences of our community, to speak on their behalf to get the equity & equality we deserve, equal to that of our heterosexual counterparts. We are here to fight for equity and equality, and usuzalize our families, whilst working towards a safer future for our children.
Our Creation
When we started our journey down our own path to motherhood, there was no community, or organizations around for people ‘like us’ to support us on our path, so we had to ‘muddle’ through on our own. At times it was disheartening and frustrating, we felt unsupported and isolated, not having others around us who had similar experiences that we could learn from. We often felt unseen, not listened to and frequently discriminated against. We would have to ‘out’ ourselves in many situations, and were often asked difficult questions such as “Who is the real ‘mum’?” and be refused access to our child by healthcare professionals- all of which took their toll on our health and experiences.
Over the past twelve years though, we have been incredibly lucky to have four miracle children by IUI and IVF. But our journey wasn’t always easy- over that time we have navigated no NHS funding, severe PCOS, miscarriage, multiple failed cycles, secondary infertility, multiple failed cycles, birth trauma and trying to conceive during the global pandemic. Coupled in with the barriers & implications that accompany most LGBT+ journeys it has been a tumultuous time, however we know we are incredibly lucky and there are many whose experiences have been even more difficult. We did also experience pockets of some wonderful care, and to those who looked after us, we will always be grateful.

At the beginning, when we started our journey, we had so many questions. What ARE our options? Do we want to carry a child? Who carries? How? How much does it cost? Where can we do it? How do we choose a donor? Where would we find a donor? How long would it take to fall pregnant? What other routes are available? The list was endless.
And throughout our journey we were consistently being contacted by others who wanted to know their options & had those same burning questions we did. We’d be contacted through social media, work, friends of friends even in the Recovery room after having one of our children as to how we created our family. It became such a frequent occurrence to the point it had become so apparent that there was a gap in support.
No safe space
After the birth of our second child, we knew we had to use our lived experience, knowledge and expertise of dealing with multiple organisations over the years, to support others. We wanted to create an organisation that would support people to not go through the things we had been over the years, and create a safe haven for women and people to come together, make friends and meet others ‘just like them’. That was when LGBT MUMMIES (formerly The LGBT Mummies Tribe) was born.
Campaigners for change
We listen to our community, their needs and experiences, and utilise the relationships we have grown over the years to create positive conversations- by getting a seat at tables LGBTQ+ people often haven’t been welcome or able to acquire a seat at.
“The truth is, no one of us can be free, until everybody is free”
— Maya Angelou
What’s next?
We currently have multiple live campaigns, and projects ongoing from research, to filming opportunities to meeting with members of Parliament to support our vision for change.
We know that often we need the support of those who may not understand us, or sadly deny our existence or rights, but through education, positive conversations and building relationships, we will show the world that all LGBTQ+ people and their families deserve the right to live free, exist safely and be happy.
Keep updated with our ongoing campaigns and work via our social media channels, Blog and feeds.
If you feel you need support, want to work with us, or enquire about our services, reach out and contact us.
We will continue to passionately ‘Educate, Support, Advocate’ LGBT+ women and people to create the families of their dreams, whilst working to create a more inclusive, accepting & safe future for all LGBTQ+ people and their children.