Our Live Campaigns
We are passionate that our community deserve to be treated as equals. In marriage, on the path to parenthood, in our daily family lives. We are acutely aware that support is disparate across many aspects of society, but none more prevalent that across healthcare. We are fervently trying to acquire true equity and equality to ensure we are equal to our heterosexual counterparts. There are Policies to be amended, laws to be changed, minds to be opened- to ‘usualise’ our families to become the ‘everyday’.
LGBT Mummies has been fighting for equity and equality in fertility funding in England and nationally across the UK for years, and with the Women’s Health Strategy confirming it would provide equal access to same sex couples there was hope (although acutely aware that we still would be fighting for all our LGBTQIA+ community that was still unable to access funding). However two years on, after multiple meetings in Parliament and work towards it, we are still awaiting the implementation we were promised.
So collectively we have come together as a group of organisations to fight to acquire fertility justice for our community.
LGBT Mummies has been fighting for equity and equality in fertility funding in England and nationally across the UK for years, and with the Women’s Health Strategy confirming it would provide equal access to same sex couples there was hope (although acutely aware that we still would be fighting for all our LGBTQIA+ community that was still unable to access funding). However two years on, after multiple meetings in Parliament and work towards it, we are still awaiting the implementation we were promised.
So collectively we have come together as a group of organisations to fight to acquire fertility justice for our community.
This includes:
Equal and equitable access to NHS Fertility funding for all LGBTQIA+ people (including embryo creation and fertility preservation)
Data collection on our family’s and family pathways and outcomes
Access to purchase sperm for Informal arrangements in the home (Home Insemination
Legal protection improvement for our LGBTQIA+ family pathways (including informal arrangements)
Protection in the workplace for birthing and non birthing parents from discrimination
LGBT Mummies
My Surrogacy Journey
Two Dads UK
Diva Magazine
LGBT Foundation
Progress Education Trust
Fertility Network UK
Queer Platonic Co-Parenting
Equality for Trans Families
My Surrogacy Foundation
Our Manifesto details our collective campaign actions that we are addressing and can be downloaded
This can be downloaded and edited to send to your local MP to ask them to support the Fertility Justice campaign so we can acquire equity and equality for all LGBTQIA families
Fertility Justice Campaign (UK)
We're proud be joining forces to get your views on fertility treatment.
The Workplace Fertility Working Group, led by MP Nickie Aiken, are collaborating to better understand general attitudes towards fertility treatment within society. Insights and data from this research will be used to support further campaigns for more inclusive workplace rights.
Research, data and insights are fundamental to achieving change, which is why we're inviting anyone and everyone to participate in this short survey. Whether you've had no experience of fertility issues, directly or indirectly, have had fertility treatment yourself or you know someone who has, we welcome your views and we would appreciate you sharing them with us by spending no more than 5 minutes of your time to complete our survey. All responses are anonymous.
Working group members include representatives from (TAG) Fertility Matters at Work, Fertility Network UK, My Surrogacy Journey, LGBT Mummies, Manchester Metropolitan University, The IVF Network, Burgess Mee Family Law, Gately Legal, and Infertility in the City.
Survey design led by My Surrogacy Journey.
Fertility in the Workplace Campaign (UK)
We are campaigning for EQUAL ACCESS to NHS free fertility treatment in England, and that the UK is brought together and provide all LGBTQ+ people equal and equitable free fertility funding access to create our families. The Women’s Health Strategy was released in August 2022, and stated that it would “focus on improving access further to IVF same-sex couples, specifically removing the financial burdens of self-funding artificial insemination.
Since then, (two years later this year) we are still waiting for it to be implemented. We have been back and forth with the Government, NHS England and Department of Health & Social Care to move this forward, as we know so many people will miss out, and we also think it should not just be same sex couples that should access it-but all LGBTQ+ people. We are pushing for Maria Caulfield to press forward and implement free access as soon as possible.
We have been working alongside Stonewall and now also other organisations to fight for this to be changed, and are due to meet again early 2024 to move forward with this campaign. Details regarding what ICB’s provide free and equal access to NHS Fertility funding can be found here and on our socials. Currently only four out of 42 ICB’s provide equal access to fertility treatment and they are:
-South Yorkshire
-Surrey Heartlands
-West Yorkshire
If you would like to share your experience if you have been denied access, given free treatment, or are struggling to find out what your current ICB policy is, please contact us directly for guidance.
IVF Equality - NHS Fertility for all (UK)
Lesbian Non-Bio Mothers (Italy)
Since Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni accounted the removal of Non-Bio Mother’s from their children birth certificates in 2023, we have been supporting ELC Community with rising awareness of the parents plight and supporting with arranging a Protest in London and other places in the UK. ELC along with Famiglie Arcobaleno speaking out about the discrimination these Mothers face, and the impact it is having. If the biologial Mother passes away, the Non-Biological Mother has no rights over the child. This means the child can be taken away into Government child custody, and the Non-Bio Mother has no parental responsibility at all.
We have been sharing thee EL*C funding page to donate, as the thirty-three Mothers impacted so far have had to raise funds to take the Italian Government to Judicial review, which is currently happening.
We urge you share the campaign across your social media channels and the gofund me link to help families affected.
Mandated LGBT+ Education & Training for Healthcare Professionals
The most important change we feel is mandated LGBT+ education for all healthcare professionals. This needs to be mandated from entry-levels in their profession, filtered through their Under & Post Graduate training & throughout their careers at regular intervals. We are calling for this to be done for Midwives, Health Visitors, GP’s to Dentists- anyone within the healthcare profession.
We recommend they updated training manuals & education on our community, routes to family creation & how to support us. This is so they can provide the support we need, & that they are empowered to support us & ask questions they may have & that they have the appropriate training. It’s also important that they have the training & tools to do their job to the best of their ability, & also feel supported & empowered in their roles! Too many are seeking private education outside of the system & are paying for it out of their own pocket.
Until the 2021 Census, no data collection of our community has been collected. There is no data collection of our sexuality, identities, paths to family creation and how our children were created on medical records. This lack of inclusion is causing harm and further implications to our community including consistently ‘coming out’, Non-Biological parents being left off their children’s medical history, and further assumptions, micro-aggressions, discrimination and people exiting the system for care, putting our community further at risk of poorer outcomes. we have put forward to the Government and the NHS that all medical records should list all of these things, creating a safe and accessible system, but also providing our community with the correct, personalised care based on their past medical history.
Language across the health system & society is gendered, and many within the community do not feel welcomed, supported or safe. We are consistently ‘othered’, an empty tick-box, having to cross through parts of forms or write in the columns to find space for us and our needs. LGBT Mummies feel inclusive ‘additive’ language should be used or even directive language to ensure that all people who access care, or a service feel included, and does not erase women or men, but includes all.
Our families are not represented in healthcare across adverts, posters, leaflets or websites. From the NHS website, to posters in waiting rooms, on flyers, to the marketing you get in maternity packs and on forms. Our community are invisible, and often feel this lack of representation equates to lack of safety, because we are not seen as part of the system. Our families need to be ‘usualized’ and visibly represented, so that we feel validated, supported, and know that the healthcare system is one that is safe, inclusive and part of. We also want to see more representation in the healthcare professionals that provide care to us, to know that there are people we can go to to advocate for us when we feel we cannot for ourselves.
Ongoing Campaigning (UK)