LGBT Mummies LGBT+ Support Groups
Embarking on your adventure down the path to motherhood or parenthood can be a scary, anxious & difficult time, mixed in with excitement & the feeling of the unknown.Whether you are thinking about starting a family, have started the journey or are thinking about siblings, we have multiple support groups available.
We hold these private Support Groups for our community to ask us for guidance, support, share their experiences & meet others who are on the same journey as them. People are welcome to join more than one support group if it applies to them. The only rules we have are to be kind, compassionate, & respect all journeys.
Our support groups are a safe space to ask questions & release their emotions in a constructive & supportive environment. No-one’s details or experiences are to be discussed outside of these groups.
TTC Support Group
Trying to Conceive Support Group for women & people trying to conceive a child by Home AI/ICI, IUI, IVF, ICSI, IMSI.
Miscarriage & Baby Loss
For women & people who have experienced miscarriage (or their partner has) or suffered baby/infancy loss looking to share their experience & seek support through their grief.
Non-Binary Parents
For Non Binary parents & people looking to meet others within our community for support, guidance & to make friends.
Feeding Support
For mothers or parents who want to discuss different feeding methods, their experiences, seek guidance, support & share their experiences
Step Parent
For step mamas & step parents who are already step parents or have just become step parents to seek guidance, support & meet others in the community to share their experience.
Adoption Support Group
For women & people looking to seek guidance on adoption, who are in the process of applying for adoption or who have adopted.
For women or people who are currently pregnant or their partner is pregnant. To share guidance, support & celebrate together.
Non-Bio Mama or Parent
For Non-Biological mamas, mamas-to-be, parents, or parents-to-be to seek advice, support & share their experience
Mama & Parent
For mamas & parents who have a new baby, whether it is their first or their second or third child to seek guidance, support & meet others in the community to share their experience.
For women & people looking to seek guidance on fostering, who are in the process of applying for fostering or those who have fostered.
Single Mama or Parent
For Single mamas or parents who want to meet others & seek guidance, support & share their experiences
Trans Parent
For our trans parents or parents to be to seek advice, support & meet others in the community to share their experience.
If you are struggling & feel you’d like 121 support or to speak to a member of our Team or Mentors, please contact us by email & we will arrange to contact you or put you in touch with a clinical or professional organisation that can give you the additional support needed.
Contact Us
If you didn’t find what you were looking for and would like to contact us for support. Please fill out the form and a member of our team will get back to you.