Invite by the Prime Minister to the Pride Reception at 10 Downing Street

So when we received an email from ‘Downing Street’ we were slightly perplexed & definitely thought that someone was pulling our leg or it was spam.

So we called round every Government department until we got to the right one & when we explained the email we received, the woman laughed & said it was a real invite & we had been invited by request of the Prime Minister to attend Downing Street for the annual Pride Reception.

Childcare was an issue, so I (Laura-Rose) attended alone (luckily knew a few faces there!) & it was an amazing experience.

I got to meet some really educated & influential people within Government & within the community.

Unfortunately the Prime Minister was held up in Brussels due to Brexit talks which was disappointing-I had so much I wanted to ask her! But Penny Mordaunt held the crowd & it was an incredible evening.

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Diva Magazine article- August 2019


The Metro newspaper Article