ICI - Home AI
How does it work?
This is a type of artificial insemination that involves inserting sperm into the cervix. This is the passageway just outside the uterus. This approach tends to be used at home, or outside of a clinical environment. When done at home, people tend to purchase home insemination kits & time their ovulation to ensure they are at ‘Peak’ ovulation when they inseminate. The success rate is anywhere between 10-15%.
Get to know your body
We strongly advise if you are the one who intends to carry, on getting a good period tracker app where you can enter notes, & ovulation sticks ( we always advise on Clear Blue Advanced Digital Ovulation kits) so you can start tracking your ovulation-the earlier you do this the better, so you can learn how your own body works & it’s ovulation patterns. This is whereby your body gets ready to release an egg & your body will go from ‘low, to high, to peak’ ovulation- once at peak this is when your egg is ready to be fertilised by the sperm & you’ll have the insemination when the clinic advises.
Known or Unknown Donor
You can use a known donor, that can be someone you actually know, or someone you find through organizations like Pride Angel, CoParents UK or through social media groups. In the UK the HFEA (Human Fertilization & Embryology Authority) strongly advise against home insemination, due to the lack of medical screening of donor for genetic impairments, CMV status’ & future legal issues regarding parental responsibility for the child. However, there are many of our community who have successfully had children this way & a wonderful experience. You cannot pay for a sperm donation ,however you can cover their expenses.
In the UK for Home AI you can use a known donor but cannot purchase sperm from a sperm bank & have it shipped to your home. This is however, legal in the USA & you can use a sperm bank & they can arrange shipment direct to your home address of the vials of sperm in the tank (which you can send back).
Seek legal advice
It is strongly advised to seek legal representation & advice should you go down the Home AI route so that you, the donor & especially the child are protected & all parties are in agreement as to who has parental responsibility. If you do seek legal representation if possible draw up a ‘letter of intent’ to show that all parties agree to terms of engagement regarding donation & contact. It merely shows intent & does not stand up in a court of law but can be used as supporting evidence should you experience any disputes later down the line.
The cost of home insemination depends on the kit used, whether your sperm is from a known donor or a sperm bank. But it could cost anything from £0- £1,000+ dependant on where the sperm is purchased (if you are US based & buy sperm from a sperm bank & this cost could rise dependant on how many vials you buy), in the UK & other countries you cannot purchase sperm from a bank for home use). Most clinics charge anything from £700-£1200 per vial for sperm & this is dependent on what type of profile you go for & the genetic screening that the sperm has undergone.
Contact Us
If you would like to contact us for support. Please fill out the form and a member of our team will get back to you.